Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Monday-Friday September 24-28: Homecoming week--End of Unit 1

List of Graded Assignments:
  1. Balboa Notes, completed and shared with teacher (Google Doc)
  2. William Bradford/Handsome Lake Notes, completed and shared with teacher (Google Doc)
  3. Unit 1 Coggle on Bradford, Handsome Lake, and Balboa (Coggle.it)
  4. Unit 1 Pre-writing Form--Topic Sentences and supporting details based on your coggle from all three stories (Google Form)
  5. Unit 1 Pre-writing Google doc, shared with teacher (Google Doc)--a topic sentence and three supporting details from each story (you should have copied and pasted your answers from the Pre-writing Google form for this)
  6. In the Pre-writing Google Doc, draft a paragraph based on your topic sentence and supporting details (one paragraph for each story)
  7. Take each drafted paragraph over to prowritingaid.com, sign-in with your Google account, and copy and paste each paragraph into the grammar checker
  8. Copy and paste your edited paragraphs back into your pre-writing Google Doc (don't erase the original paragraph, just put it underneath and label it as edited)
  9. Write an introduction and conclusion in your Pre-writing Google Doc and repeat the steps with the grammar checker
  10. Create a Final draft Google Doc and share it with me; copy and paste your edited sentences into your final draft
  11. Create a title for your essay
  12. Go to canva.com and create a title graphic for your essay and put it into your final draft under your title

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